The amount of news was by now vastly increased, even selective editing for this site will see an increase in promoted material.
December 1916.
November 1916.
One of the largest number of appeals in the years of conscription (Ormskirk)
October 1916.
September 1916.
Appeals against enlistment.
Repeated again for the tird time in September, never done again.
August 1916.
In August 1916 the Ormskirk Advertiser took the view that having persistantly attended all the local military tribunals for appeals against service in time of war, then by edit outing the man by name defining the nature of appeal it would take the next step.
To Name & Shame those who had never attended an appeal, blandly ignoring the call of country.
This was he Hutton joint MD Proprietor of the Advertiser asking demanding of others to do what he himself would not do, he was 36 years old at the time!
There is no evidence he even offered himself, subsequently being rejected. As his position status defined MD he was a natural leader of men by definition alone. If he was or not, it mattered not, fit or not mattered not, all would have been determined by either medical or rejection on a variety of grounds.
Rev Haynes Vicar of Ormskirk own son served RFC killed himself 1918.
Despite the war with men dying.
July 1916.
Any propaganda was good propagands, although element of truth lies here.
June 1916.
Picture house situated in the Stanley Institute, as of 2023 much work done to bring it back to its former prestige.
May 1916.
Contrast of two requirements ! You could not make this up.
Appeals Tribunal Skelmersdale.
April 1916.
It was illegal to sell hay straw unless you had a licence and permission, even then limited amounts.
Full two columns broadsheet newspaper first week April 1916, selection here.
March 1916.
Editor either father or son aged 36 as he was, apt to instruct others to do what he avoded to do himself.
Appropriate words from the wrong voice.
Joint MD (editor proprieter newspaper) aged 36 officer material as was case 1914. No evidence ever seen of he being rejected for service, let alone offering himself up to even be rejected.
In St Helens history Sir Dacid Gamble along with Pilkington Beecham are synonymous with all that is good with the town and its history, he the brother parading himslef at a tribunal is merit of his personality, not a detraction of he as a person.
The first of many many appeals to be hard in Burscough, Ormskirk, Skelmersdale & West Lancashire each held them as districts.
They were held weekly, not that i propose to indulge the site more than one listing per month, from that you make your own judgements, frankly naming to shame was the Hutton mantra.
Over the next weeks end March through 1916/1917 The Advertiser noted all said appeals and or ‘fetched men’ Floods of them Ormskirk Burscough Skelmersdale Tribunals all edited every man identified, consequence of history many (not all) will be shown on this page, after all it is social history, like it or not.
The Farmer was the reserved occupation, not the sons.
God forbids them to kill ( Thousands of clergy sons did) While farmers were happy to have others sons die, so there sons could live!
February 1916.
Its no use hiding, ducking and diving, they will get you, while The Advertiser went to lengths to identify them.
Calling Up of single attested men Derby Scheme, married me to follow, after which its conscription. With which social history (in this district) will turn on itself, The Ormskirk Advertiser made sure ALL knew ‘who what’ was going on.
Week Four January 1915.
Conclusion January.
Third week in January 1915.
This concludes week three January.
Now Blue Cross common in the UK offering ‘donation payment’ animal welfare.
Sustained same ethos in WW2 The Land Army.
You had NOT attested to be deemed ‘fit for service’ you had NO right of appeal.
‘The fun begins’
Week Two January 1915.
Lest we forget on 17th June was posted the ramifications of the Compulsion Bill.
As would be expected not ALL agreed, here some, political social history
As the new year moves into second week the focus is The Compulsion Bill. Conscription.
The editorial of the Advertiser ran a full piece on this and the requirements of bill. This is the effect locally.
For clarity if you did NOT ATTEST you had no RIGHT to Appeal agaisnt service.
Advertiser 6th January 1916.
Year end 1915 report, conscription law 1st Jan 1916, was deffered to end March.
Death in service at Ramsgate
Conscription is law.
St Johns The Baptist Churchyard Burscough Bridge.
NOT offering straw or hay to the War Dept was deemed an offence of the realm. As was selling privately without a licence an prosecution offence.
January 1916.
1916 begins with a new prime minister Lloyd George, who replaced Herbert Asquith who resigned in December 1915, after a very bad 1915. Douglas Haig was also now established as Commander in Chief BEF having replaced Sir John French early in December 1915.