
Our aim is to offer research either through online facilities, hard copy archive, or advice for those who wish to seek themselves. Reseach is one area that is a source of income for this non profit making society, we must therefore impose a cost for that function. The alternative to that is simple, follow the suggestions and do it yourself, or employ a proffesional researcher to do it for you.

Our research costs are purely society beneficial, we are non pofit making, we aim to give to military service charities, so your renumeration to us helps others, its as simple as that. A service file for given ww1 soldier is likely to cost £12 -15 inc medal card, obtained within days, not 6 to 8 weeks as one source  qoutes, or £25 / 35 per hour London rate and no certainty of success.

Our advice is impartial, sound, our ‘been there done it attitude’ allows us to understand your needs and why. Every aspect of research on the military scene is not the same so please ask then we can cater for your specific requirements, your under no obligation. We can provide an estimate of the cost which we will adhere too, should that change for whatever reason, we will always advise for your approval before commencing.

Material can be supplied via email, on disc, or hard copy. Each format is cost related as you will appreciate. Local newspaper searches can be arranged at an hourly rate for search and travel, photo images supplied when possible, hard copy images also.

One thing we will say with absolute assurance if we dont know, we know someone who does.  We dont lay claim to know everything, but we will always do our damdest to find an answer.