

To also honour the men and women from the villages above (whoever they may be) who served post 1947 whos names for whatever reason have been lost in time.


And to duly remember all those from whatever arm of service or nationality of the Commonwealth Forces, who served at the military establishments created within the villages of Lathom & Burscough from 1914 to 1997.


We are proud supporters of both Help For Heroes & Royal British Legion,

fully endorsing their values and intentions.


‘Flanders Fields’

In Flanders Fields Lt.-Col. John McCrae (1872 – 1918)
In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.


On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a drug store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the store’s PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us. Terry was impressed with the store’s leadership role in adopting the Legion’s “two minutes of silence” initiative. He felt that the store’s contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.

When eleven o’clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the “two minutes of silence” to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.

Terry’s anger towards the father for trying to engage the store’s clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, “A Pittance of Time”. Terry later recorded “A Pittance of Time” and included it on his full-length music CD, “The Power of the Dream”.

In the interest of creating a greater awareness of the sacrifices that have been made and are still being made on our behalf, “A Pittance of Time” has been adapted to the French language and titled “C’est si peu de temps”.  Music videos for both audio tracks too were produced in support of the campaign and a musical/theatrical concert production, “Two Minutes of Silence – A Pittance of Time”, was written for the stage.

“Two Minutes of Silence – A Pittance of Time” combines music and theatre in an emotional production that looks at the folly of war.  The inspirational songs and dramatic monologues evoke memories both tinged with sadness and joy that ultimately underscore the need for hope and faith in the goodness of humankind.

Below is the written verse, at the end is the link to the song and media, evocative, emotional and forthright. It encompasses all that we shoud hold dear in our respect of those who serve in our armed forces, it is not pro or anti war, merely respectfull opinion of not one man but of many, however as a nation one that has possibly been lost in generations over countless years both in family and in schooling of the last ten / twenty years. That is regretable but true, the pace of life today often cited as te reason, the pace of life of today would have no place in society had it not been for those who sacrificed their life, fact,


Two minutes of silence, Just a pittence of time.

They fought and some died for their homeland. They fought and some died, now it’s our land. Look at his little child; there’s no fear in her eyes. Could he not show respect for other dads who have died?

Take two minutes, would you mind? It’s a pittance of time, For the boys and the girls who went over. In peace may they rest, may we never forget why they died. It’s a pittance of time.

God forgive me for wanting to strike him. Give me strength so as not to be like him. My heart pounds in my breast, fingers pressed to my lips, My throat wants to bawl out, my tongue barely resists.

But two minutes I will bide. It’s a pittance of time, For the boys and the girls who went over. In peace may they rest. May we never forget why they died. It’s a pittance of time.

Read the letters and poems of the heroes at home. They have casualties, battles, and fears of their own. There’s a price to be paid if you go, if you stay. Freedom’s fought for and won in numerous ways.

Take two minutes, would you mind? It’s a pittance of time, For the boys and the girls all over. May we never forget, our young become vets. At the end of the line, It’s a pittance of time.

It takes courage to fight in your own war. It takes courage to fight someone else’s war. Our peacekeepers tell of their own living hell. They bring hope to foreign lands that hate mongers can’t kill.

Take two minutes, would you mind? It’s a pittance of time, For the boys and the girls who go over. In peacetime our best still don battle dress And lay their lives on the line. It’s a pittance of time
In peace may they rest, Lest we forget.

Terry Kelly (1999 Nova Scotia)




It is not the serviceman who maketh war on other nations, but the political leaders who send them forth. They go not in anger, but with stedfastness, determination & resolve to do as ordered. We as a nation owe much to our men and women who serve these elected leaders, past and present. Those who in government that are privaliged to ‘lead’ or in years past have ‘led’, how many would contemplate what they ask others to do ?


 Recent years has shown an upsurge in appropriate patriotism and appreciative respect of those who serve. However it is regretable that has only been achieved in coincidence  with significant loss, both in human life and a drastic toll of minds and limbs.


The measure of patriotism & respect combined with appreciation of our armed forces, of what they do and why, should not be the result of numerous images of sorrowing families lining the main street of Wotton Basset. Perhaps that is an indication of the lack of education in our young relative to the proud history of this nation.

Richard Houghton Co Founder (Hon Secretary) March 2012.





We are accredited ambassador status for the War Horse Memorial Fund raising funds for the charities endorsed below.